Person Photos in Rock

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Person photos in your Rock system literally change the way you see ministry. Records become individuals. Rock has several tools to make the collection of photos simple. We'd recommend that you consider some of the available core Rock tools ( and plan to implement them.

You might want to keep an eye on how many people in your database have photos. The SQL below can be run in Rock using the SQL Command tool (Admin Tools > Power Tools > SQL Command) and will tell you what percentage of people in your system have photos. Hopefully this number will increase over time as you make use of Rock's tools for gathering photos.

People with Photos
        CASE WHEN [PhotoId] IS NOT NULL
        THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    ) * 100
    / COUNT(*) AS [PercentOfActiveRecordsWithPhotos]
    [RecordStatusValueId] = 3

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